Friday 15 March 2013

Undercoats and brain damage

 Alrighty Ladies and Gents. We've done a quick sub assembly of the necron warriors, making the torso and gluing it to the legs, and the legs to the base. Then using a dash of PVA glue on the base and putting some basing...stuff... on it. I've then laid all these sub assembled warriors out on some old newspaper along with the sprues that contain the remaining parts. Generally I like to get some blu-tack and put them on a ling piece of wood (think paint stirring sticks), but given a recent move, I no longer have any of that. So I've snapped a few images of pre-spray and post spray for yah.

I see these necrons and I want to spray them black.
no colour anymore I want to spray them black..

I took my spray can and then I sprayed them black!

Ok, I've run out of ways to continue to kill The Rolling Stones. So here's some images of the necrons Post-Spray.
I don't know how common it is to put the basing...stuff... on the base prior to spraying, but I felt it could be easier then going in there with a brush later and having to worry about the possibility of getting black on the painted warriors. It took a pretty concentrated spray to actually get the bases done though, and I may have to go over it with a brush at any rate. Not sure if I'll use that technique again on the rest of the army.

 And there you have it. Sprayed necrons. Only just managed to get them done prior to it starting to rain. That was lucky. Sadly I don't have any mask or anything to use when I spray them, so I have to play my second favourite game of all; Hold your breath, whenever I want to undercoat minis. This is of course followed by my favourite game; Remember to start breathing again. I hate to think of the amount of brain cells I just knocked off. My head certainly hurts in one location now. Might have to look into something there.
I'mma professional!
Tomorrow we paint!
Morbie out.

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