Saturday 30 March 2013

Gee Whizz! A post!

I'll start this up with an apology for not putting any blog post up sooner. It's been pretty hectic recently. Full time job + painting a commissioned army + Forge World order arriving + Bioshock Infinite coming out + managing a youtube channel + being a moderator/community events runner for Guns of Icarus Online.
Call me ladies.
Before my mind blows up would be nice.

Aaaaanyway. A few updates. Minus the pictures.

I'm currently in Wellington. Capital of this tiny country I call home. Met up with the wonderful Harpreet and Ashton. We played LoL. Kicked bum too. It was excellent.

As Harpreet is the one I'm painting the necrons for, he got to take a first hand look at what his money is getting him. Seemed pretty pleased about it too.

For the other two people that read this.. I assume that's all there is at any rate... The two squads of warriors are done. Necron Overlord is... sort of done. I pulled an all nighter prior to coming down to Wellington and painted him up along with one of my pre-heresy Death Guard. Still not happy with the overlord though. Not unique enough to be a unit that commands the entire army, so I'll be revisiting that once I get home. The Death Guard looks excellent however. I was also bored yesterday and painted and assembled my Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought and it looks godly. Can't wait until I get two more.

While at Games Workshop, we played a three way (giggity) game. Necrons v Marines v Guardsman. Small armies. Two troops and an HQ. Somehow I managed  to break my curse of only rolling 1's and 2's, and even pulled off a win. Somehow. Ah well, I won't complain.

It was rather hilarious however, the guy running the Games Workshop... really intense. Especially about the new Tau. Yes, they are very cool. No, you do not need to get 3cm away from my face to tell me to abandon all other armies to play them. I'll probably get the Fireblade model. It's awesome.
Heck, I may even look into actually starting that Tau army up properly. I have a few models already that can be seen earlier in the blog, I could just go back to them after I finish wave one of pre-heresy. Well... once I have 2000 points.

I'll be getting some pictures up of the so far completed necron army when I get back home, along with a painting guide, because that will probably be a good thing to put on here.
Also pictures of the Dreadnought, because it's huge. And awesome.

God that was a long blog. This is what happens when I don't blog for a while. Once more, sorry about that. mind has been in overdrive. Holidays are nice. Work on Tuesday is going to be hell.
Morbie out.

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