Saturday 2 March 2013

Older work

Thought I'd post a few examples of what level I'm trying to get my painting back to. Then of course we're going to push that boundary as far as we can.

We start with a Games Day Space Marine Captain. In a depressing turn of events I can't remember what year it was from, but I'm sure you can find out if needed. In all hilarity, the thing I'm most proud of with this mini is the base. I never was good with basing.

Followed up by a Commissar. Similar colouring of the two. Funny that. I don't have a limited palette. Don't be silly. So I've been trying to push what colours I can use competently. One of the reasons behind having white and purple Tau.

And last up we have an absolutely disgusting relic from the past: Morbie's first ever mini.
Enjoy! (I certainly cringe whenever I see it, but I keep it as a reminder of how far I've come)
Until next time,
Morbie out.

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