Tuesday 16 July 2013


Thursday 4 July 2013

So I got lazy.

Well it's been about a month since the last update. I've been lazy. Like... really lazy.
Well... sort of.
I've done some things. Like the Tomb Stalker. That's almost done now! Just two guns left to get painted up and then we can scratch giant-centipede-of-death off of the to do list.
The tank... has progressed a bit. That's my next goal. Painting this dark grey has become a bit of a slog. So I'm breaking that up and I'll be painting the first foot soldier for my Tau army tonight. Which is a snazzy wee pathfinder equipped with a rail rifle. Can't get enough of those S6 AP1 rifles. And Rapid fire. All of my love.
Once he's painted to a stupidly high standard (All my tau are going to be crazy well painted. Like my squats) we'll get back to that god forsaken tank. Or should I say C'tan forsaken? Bwahaha bad joke is awful.
So pretty much all there is left on the Ark is the 10 or so damaged troops, and the pilot. Oh, and the blue glowy bits. Then it's just a case of glowing the wanker together.
Never again will I cunt-punt myself with a Necron Ark. Although that there new tesseract vault is might snazzy... chortle chortle.

Monday 17 June 2013

Another Picture-less Update

Just thought I'd fill y'all in on what I've been up to recently. Minus pictures because I'm a lazy wench.
The Ghost Arc is nearing completion; Pilot and repairing passengers are the last big hurdle.
Painted up my Rapier Laser Destroyer. The actual weapon platform that is. No crew painted as of yet.
Oh! I finally found a way to make that Necron Overlord stand out a bit more from the rank-and-file warriors. Painted on a silver rim to the shoulder plates, and redid the resurrection orb. Really pleased I can still do what I did on the shoulders. The Orb was a sheer fluke. Was pretty much dicking about with ideas and something happened that looks cool. Can't really explain it without a picture. Guess I need to be proactive.

Sunday 9 June 2013


It's almost done!
Remind me to never ever paint a Ghost Ark ever again.
Because it sucks.
A lot.
Cool model though.
But then I just want to get back to painting squats. Also considering painting some fantasy dwarves to go alongside the three or four limited edition ones I've already got. Yes. I would consider painting an entire army of the stubby wee things just to compliment three or four single models. Crazy? Yes.Also that Dwarf Command Set on forgeworld is mighty awesome.
So the current list of priorities is as follows:

  1. Ghost Ark
  2. Tomb Stalker
  3. Nuln Oil 2x Immortal
  4. Make the Overlord look better.
  5. White Dwarf Gyrocopter Pilot
  6. Death Guard Army continuation - maybe another tac squad or something.
  7. Tau Titan
  8. Other Limited edition models I have. (White Dwarf 30th Anniversary, 'Drunk' Bugman)
  9. Squats

Leaving the best 'til last. Well... Sorta.


Friday 7 June 2013

What we've got.


I said pictures were coming, and this time I plan to deliver!

Here we have the necrons in their current state. Not much left to go with them! Still need to make the overlord look... better.
 Now next up we have a shot of the wonderful Dwarf Daemon slayer. Still unfinished sadly. Though the axe  is just needed a last bit of gold. and the gold on the dwarf just needs a highlight of silver to tone down the ink.

Now last of I've got a few pictures of the wonderful HQ choice for the squat army. Quite an old paint job, though i had to repaint about half of it as a lot of paint had been chipped off in various moves around the country. Also rebased him, because the 25mm slotta-base just wasn't doing it for me. Super pleased with the result too.
 Squat space packs; Powered by Booze.

That's all for now dear friends.
Happy painting.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Arrrgh. Good Morning.

Hey guys and gals.
Or rather.. Hello one person out there who reads this!
Aaanyway, it's been a while since my last post. Over a month. Holy shit. Whoops.
Sorry about that, been super busy from changing jobs, taking on an internship at the same time, flying lessons, managing a youtube channel (which has taken a back seat too atm) and occasionally painting a little bit.
Oh, and also being generally awesome. Bwahaha egotism.

So back to the topic at hand; Painting!

In terms of the Necrons, I painted 20 scarabs, which is to say five bases of the cute little suckers.
Done a bit more on the tank as well. I'd say the Ghost Ark is around 50% completed at the moment. Gerdern me and making up a paint scheme as I go, takes so much deliberating. Never do this kiddies! Plan things in advance!

In terms of my own projects, the HQ choice for the Squat army has been restored and re-based. And Dayum it looks good. Really couldn't be more chuffed by how it's turned out. Also started on one of my Exo-Armour Squats. Orange jump-suit is done, going to start on the armour tonight. Yes. Orange. Jump Suits. WE'RE OLD SCHOOL MUTHA TRUCKA. Ahem.

For the Death Guard; they're currently on hold as the Squats are just too much fun to paint and have distracted me completely.

Another little side project I've been working on is that Dwarf Daemon Slayer. Almost finished now. Just an axe, and last highlight on and gold left to do. I'll maybe even finish it tonight!

Heck, we might even get some pictures of these models later on. Wouldn't that be something?

Morbie out.

Oh! not yet actually. Fun fact: Morbie is making Pax Prime plans. This one I get notice for, unlike my 2 week warning for E3

Monday 29 April 2013

Current status.


So having just added a new desk to my room, and now having a decent place to set up hobby shop, as it were, my painting output has increased dramatically. This being said, it's picture time!

First up is a picture of my (very almost completed) tactical squad. Only nine done so far, but that's four more then the total was yesterday. 

I'm actually really pleased with the overall cohesion of the army.

And now the fun begins! Here's a few pictures of a couple of my side-projects.

This is the decapitated head of a Golden Demon.It was the games day model of either 06 or 07. I always wanted it when it came out, but in a way I'm glad I din't get it. I'd have painted it horribly. I'll be taking pictures of this model sporadically throughout the painting process. Maybe once every 3-5 hours of painting done. So far I've basecoated all but the hair (not too sure what colour I'll go for there yet), and last night I began building up the flesh tones from my very old but still good Bestial Brown, then nuln oil wash, followed by a re-base (i.e not putting the bestial brown back into the recesses), and then I've need slowly blending in a bit of my other very old but still good paint, Vomit Brown. I'll be gringing the skin tone right up to a bronze-yellow colour. After all, he is a golden demon.

And ow for the real challenge. My very own Tau Titan
Fun fact: The burst cannon is taller then a Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought
Fun fact: The twin-linked Railgun is as tall as the titan itself.
Fun fact: The base it's on also comes with this rather brilliant destroyed Space Marine Rhino on it.

Fun fact: The titan has a fully detailed interior for the pilot.

I'm still unsure of what colour scheme I'm going to go with, though I have a few idea brewing. Then again... I'm not exactly sure how one paints something that size.
All credit to the building of it goes to a wonderful chap named Matt, who can be found on coolminiornot.com going by the name of hk1x1. 

So that sums up todays entry.
Have a good one, guys.
Morbie out.