Thursday 6 June 2013

Arrrgh. Good Morning.

Hey guys and gals.
Or rather.. Hello one person out there who reads this!
Aaanyway, it's been a while since my last post. Over a month. Holy shit. Whoops.
Sorry about that, been super busy from changing jobs, taking on an internship at the same time, flying lessons, managing a youtube channel (which has taken a back seat too atm) and occasionally painting a little bit.
Oh, and also being generally awesome. Bwahaha egotism.

So back to the topic at hand; Painting!

In terms of the Necrons, I painted 20 scarabs, which is to say five bases of the cute little suckers.
Done a bit more on the tank as well. I'd say the Ghost Ark is around 50% completed at the moment. Gerdern me and making up a paint scheme as I go, takes so much deliberating. Never do this kiddies! Plan things in advance!

In terms of my own projects, the HQ choice for the Squat army has been restored and re-based. And Dayum it looks good. Really couldn't be more chuffed by how it's turned out. Also started on one of my Exo-Armour Squats. Orange jump-suit is done, going to start on the armour tonight. Yes. Orange. Jump Suits. WE'RE OLD SCHOOL MUTHA TRUCKA. Ahem.

For the Death Guard; they're currently on hold as the Squats are just too much fun to paint and have distracted me completely.

Another little side project I've been working on is that Dwarf Daemon Slayer. Almost finished now. Just an axe, and last highlight on and gold left to do. I'll maybe even finish it tonight!

Heck, we might even get some pictures of these models later on. Wouldn't that be something?

Morbie out.

Oh! not yet actually. Fun fact: Morbie is making Pax Prime plans. This one I get notice for, unlike my 2 week warning for E3

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