Friday 7 June 2013

What we've got.


I said pictures were coming, and this time I plan to deliver!

Here we have the necrons in their current state. Not much left to go with them! Still need to make the overlord look... better.
 Now next up we have a shot of the wonderful Dwarf Daemon slayer. Still unfinished sadly. Though the axe  is just needed a last bit of gold. and the gold on the dwarf just needs a highlight of silver to tone down the ink.

Now last of I've got a few pictures of the wonderful HQ choice for the squat army. Quite an old paint job, though i had to repaint about half of it as a lot of paint had been chipped off in various moves around the country. Also rebased him, because the 25mm slotta-base just wasn't doing it for me. Super pleased with the result too.
 Squat space packs; Powered by Booze.

That's all for now dear friends.
Happy painting.

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