Sunday 9 June 2013


It's almost done!
Remind me to never ever paint a Ghost Ark ever again.
Because it sucks.
A lot.
Cool model though.
But then I just want to get back to painting squats. Also considering painting some fantasy dwarves to go alongside the three or four limited edition ones I've already got. Yes. I would consider painting an entire army of the stubby wee things just to compliment three or four single models. Crazy? Yes.Also that Dwarf Command Set on forgeworld is mighty awesome.
So the current list of priorities is as follows:

  1. Ghost Ark
  2. Tomb Stalker
  3. Nuln Oil 2x Immortal
  4. Make the Overlord look better.
  5. White Dwarf Gyrocopter Pilot
  6. Death Guard Army continuation - maybe another tac squad or something.
  7. Tau Titan
  8. Other Limited edition models I have. (White Dwarf 30th Anniversary, 'Drunk' Bugman)
  9. Squats

Leaving the best 'til last. Well... Sorta.


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