Monday 29 April 2013

Current status.


So having just added a new desk to my room, and now having a decent place to set up hobby shop, as it were, my painting output has increased dramatically. This being said, it's picture time!

First up is a picture of my (very almost completed) tactical squad. Only nine done so far, but that's four more then the total was yesterday. 

I'm actually really pleased with the overall cohesion of the army.

And now the fun begins! Here's a few pictures of a couple of my side-projects.

This is the decapitated head of a Golden Demon.It was the games day model of either 06 or 07. I always wanted it when it came out, but in a way I'm glad I din't get it. I'd have painted it horribly. I'll be taking pictures of this model sporadically throughout the painting process. Maybe once every 3-5 hours of painting done. So far I've basecoated all but the hair (not too sure what colour I'll go for there yet), and last night I began building up the flesh tones from my very old but still good Bestial Brown, then nuln oil wash, followed by a re-base (i.e not putting the bestial brown back into the recesses), and then I've need slowly blending in a bit of my other very old but still good paint, Vomit Brown. I'll be gringing the skin tone right up to a bronze-yellow colour. After all, he is a golden demon.

And ow for the real challenge. My very own Tau Titan
Fun fact: The burst cannon is taller then a Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought
Fun fact: The twin-linked Railgun is as tall as the titan itself.
Fun fact: The base it's on also comes with this rather brilliant destroyed Space Marine Rhino on it.

Fun fact: The titan has a fully detailed interior for the pilot.

I'm still unsure of what colour scheme I'm going to go with, though I have a few idea brewing. Then again... I'm not exactly sure how one paints something that size.
All credit to the building of it goes to a wonderful chap named Matt, who can be found on going by the name of hk1x1. 

So that sums up todays entry.
Have a good one, guys.
Morbie out.

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