Thursday 4 July 2013

So I got lazy.

Well it's been about a month since the last update. I've been lazy. Like... really lazy.
Well... sort of.
I've done some things. Like the Tomb Stalker. That's almost done now! Just two guns left to get painted up and then we can scratch giant-centipede-of-death off of the to do list.
The tank... has progressed a bit. That's my next goal. Painting this dark grey has become a bit of a slog. So I'm breaking that up and I'll be painting the first foot soldier for my Tau army tonight. Which is a snazzy wee pathfinder equipped with a rail rifle. Can't get enough of those S6 AP1 rifles. And Rapid fire. All of my love.
Once he's painted to a stupidly high standard (All my tau are going to be crazy well painted. Like my squats) we'll get back to that god forsaken tank. Or should I say C'tan forsaken? Bwahaha bad joke is awful.
So pretty much all there is left on the Ark is the 10 or so damaged troops, and the pilot. Oh, and the blue glowy bits. Then it's just a case of glowing the wanker together.
Never again will I cunt-punt myself with a Necron Ark. Although that there new tesseract vault is might snazzy... chortle chortle.

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