Thursday 28 February 2013

Small update.

Well I've fished out the Tau Piranha, firewarriors and 25th Anniversary model. Not sure if I'll get around to the fire warriors. So much white to paint, and with the upcoming Pre-heresy Death Guard also being white in most places, I don't know if I have the fortitude to paint the Tau on top of it.But I'm going to get the Piranha done at least.I did a bit of work on the consoles last night, so they can finally be glued in place before I lose them. Again.

In terms of painting said consoles, here's what I did. Note that I will be referring to paints as their old names, as I'm still running with those.
I started by using a bit of Midnight Blue mixed with Chaos Black for the background, then used khemri brown on all of the buttons. The Khemri brown was slowly blended with Skull White, to a highlight point of about 1:3 Khemri:Skull ratio. The screens stated with Liche purple, blended up to warlock purple. Then I mixed warlock purple and white to achieve a grid effect on the screen, all brought together by a wash of Liche Purple to tone down the contrast.

Pictures will go up later today, including the Piranha so far, the stealth unit that was the test for the entire colour scheme, and also a slightly converted Fire Warrior sergeant.

Morbie out.

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