Wednesday 27 February 2013

A blog? Crazy stuff.

Well, a good day to you all. All nill of you out there.
I thought I'd start a blog type thing up to coincide with getting back into painting Warhammer 40,000. So here we'll be seeing the step by step process of what gets painted. Hopefully we'll all learn something new, as you can only ever get better at painting. Hopefully I haven't lost my skill. I have a few half painted Tau Firewarriors  and a Piranha lying around somewhere, so they're going to be coming up first. Then I've been commissioned to paint a Necron army (a few very cool ideas for that bouncing around in me noggin), and then my own Forge World army - A pre-Heresy Death Guard.
And I just remembered that I've also got the 40K 25th anniversary space marine to be painted as well. Excellent. Y'all are in for a treat.
Until next time,
Morbie Out.

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