Monday 29 April 2013

Current status.


So having just added a new desk to my room, and now having a decent place to set up hobby shop, as it were, my painting output has increased dramatically. This being said, it's picture time!

First up is a picture of my (very almost completed) tactical squad. Only nine done so far, but that's four more then the total was yesterday. 

I'm actually really pleased with the overall cohesion of the army.

And now the fun begins! Here's a few pictures of a couple of my side-projects.

This is the decapitated head of a Golden Demon.It was the games day model of either 06 or 07. I always wanted it when it came out, but in a way I'm glad I din't get it. I'd have painted it horribly. I'll be taking pictures of this model sporadically throughout the painting process. Maybe once every 3-5 hours of painting done. So far I've basecoated all but the hair (not too sure what colour I'll go for there yet), and last night I began building up the flesh tones from my very old but still good Bestial Brown, then nuln oil wash, followed by a re-base (i.e not putting the bestial brown back into the recesses), and then I've need slowly blending in a bit of my other very old but still good paint, Vomit Brown. I'll be gringing the skin tone right up to a bronze-yellow colour. After all, he is a golden demon.

And ow for the real challenge. My very own Tau Titan
Fun fact: The burst cannon is taller then a Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought
Fun fact: The twin-linked Railgun is as tall as the titan itself.
Fun fact: The base it's on also comes with this rather brilliant destroyed Space Marine Rhino on it.

Fun fact: The titan has a fully detailed interior for the pilot.

I'm still unsure of what colour scheme I'm going to go with, though I have a few idea brewing. Then again... I'm not exactly sure how one paints something that size.
All credit to the building of it goes to a wonderful chap named Matt, who can be found on going by the name of hk1x1. 

So that sums up todays entry.
Have a good one, guys.
Morbie out.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Oh heck yes.

I'm buying a desk to put into me room. That way I'll have my own space to paint. Also getting a new bookshelf at the same time.Clean and efficient storage for all of them warhammers. That's proper English. Yup. Very much looking forward to getting that sometime this week or next. Will speed up the production of my painting no end.

Morbie out.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Oh golly it's some more pictures.

Hey again y'all. 

I thought I'd entertain you with a few pictures. 

First up we have an image of the area I'm currently using to paint in. Very messy. Also perched on the edge of the dining room table. Which is why it is messy. I have no room so it's all crammed in there. I'm getting a desk put in my room soon, so I'll finally maybe have some space of my own to hobby it up.

Next up we have a box of undercoated things! I went through literally all the remaining chaos black spray I had. Which is an issue. Especially as I missed a bit. Mainly on the scythes for the deathshroud.
So the full list of undercoated minis in here:
20x Legionaires.
1x Rapier laser battery (with 2x crew)
5x Deathshroud.

I thought I'd add in an image of Necron army too. Currently have 2 more immortals awaiting their baptism by oil. The Lord is still awaiting another looking at. Tomb Stalker has body work almost done. Then come the legs ._. And then we have a ghost ark to complete.

 That's all for me at the moment. Have a picture of my cats. The one on the left (Thor) went missing for two and a half weeks. Good to have him back. His brother (Jairo) was missing him severely.
Morbie out.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Another pictureless update

Because I mostly find the time to update this when I'm not actually anywhere near the models, or a camera for that matter, still no pictures! (my bad)
At any rate, I thought a quick update was in order.
We're going to cover a few things such as current and future projects, paint schemes (many-other-colours) and actually that's pretty much it. Huh. Could have sworn there was more.

So first up we have the current projects. The primary focus is the Necron army commission. The current state of things is two squads of warriors done, along with the overlord. Though I'm not happy with the overlord. Looks too bland for an overlord. Might do a bit of gold work on it to make it stand out from the grey horde.
Two Immortals are done. One just needs its baptism by nuln oil. I hope to get at least one more immortal done tonight. Getting all of them done would be quite something.
As a way to mix things up a bit, I've started work on the Forge World Canoptek Tomb Stalker. Absolutely brilliant model to paint. Or the carapace body thing is. the legs may be a bit of a different matter. Have to do a lot of clean up on them. I'm going to be painting this model to a very high standard as it's pretty much the centerpiece of the entire army. Considering doing a lighting effect around the eyes.
The ghost arc will then come along after I've finished that up. I don't look forward to it. It will be hell.

On to my own projects!

Death Guard:
So if you don't know already, I purchased a Forge World army. Pre-Heresy Death Guard. I painted one legionary up, though I may revisit it an make it a much crisper paint job. Also have the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought done. Mostly. A lot of weathering details need to happen yet. Other then those two, there's the following to go:
Rapier Laser Destroyer, Deathshroud terminators, Legion Champion and Master of the Signal, 29 more Tac marines.
I've been talking to a few other painters from around the world who are also starting new armies up, and we're grouping up to paint this shizzle up... yo. So each week over the course of a few months we'll have a different unit to paint, keeping each other updated on our progress.

This is a possibility. Not sure if it's going to happen or not. But it might.
I like tau. They were my first 40k army ever. Battlesuits are cool. And although I've now lost/converted/sold all of my original Tau models, I still love them. Probably the only race in 40k who aren't massive wanks.
So anyway, I frequently stalk around in the background of a site called and there was a wonderful WIP thread showing the progress of a scratch built Tau Titan made from two Hammerheads, some plasticard, and a ton of skill. And then the crator put it on ebay. I've placed a bid. If I get it, then Tau army is a go! If not.. I'll probably look at commissioning one from him using Riptides as the base.
Now the issue is, that if I do get this, I need to paint it. Well. Because not doing credit to that model with a brilliant paint job would be a crime. I have some old fire warriors left over from a previous attempt to start a tau army from about 2 years back. So I'll spend some time this weekend trying out colour schemes and find one that will work on battlesuits well. I would like the force to be primarily battlesuits. Maybe purple. Possibly green.

On the subject of colour schemes, I'm dredging this picture back up.
Why? Because I'mma tell y'all how to paint it. Sorta. We'll do a more detailed one some time soon showing step by step pictures as well.

So The necron warrior!

I start by undercoating black, I suggest two things here:
Use spray.
Don't assemble the model fully prior to undecoating. You'll end up having to go back and get in gaps with black on a brush. and that's never smooth and thin.
After this I mix Abaddon Back and Lothern Blue and a bit of water to thin it down. Abbadon black is really thick.. It's pretty much a 3:3:1 mix.. This mix is that wonderful blue grey colour. If yours looks lighter then the picture, don't worry, it'll fix later.
This is applied to all the raised armour plates of the model, gun included.
All joints, pistons, blades, back-of-the-head, are then given a coat of Leadbelcher. (I still think 'Boltgun Metal' sounds better).
The hexagonal shape in the center of the chest and the energy coils on the gun are coated in a slightly watered down coat of kantor blue.
The raised surface on the hexagon is gently painted with lothern blue. I suggest using a small amount of paint and the edge of a fine detail brush to accomplish this. The energy coils on the gun are also highlighted with lothern blue, as are the eyes.
Now then, the tricky part. The barrel of the gun. It's hard enough to get the thing undercoated black due to the type of plastic it's made out of. Definitely need spray paint for it.
Now there are two ways to do it, one is just an extra step longer, and was only done for the test model above. On the finished product, you really can't tell the difference at all. So we'll just go for the quicker way this time.
Start by using slightly watered down kantor blue, and painting it in thin, wiggly lines along the barrel, branching out and stopping, merging with others etc. I then took  watered down Altdorf Guard Blue and painted along these lines. When I say along, I mean inside of. Leaving a bit of kantor blue on the outside makes it look that little bit more special. Lothern blue is then watered down, though not my much, and is used in the same way the Altdorf Guard Blue was.
Finally, (and this is where the model would be fully assembled) I take out me pot of nuln oil and go to town. Not to the point where the wash is dripping off the necron, but a good even coat is applied over the entire mini. This serves to tie all the colours together, tone the sharp Lothern Blue back a bit, and give an overall grimdark appearance to the model.

So there you go! How to paint necrons, made easy. Although, most necron players just slap some leadbelcher on and call it a day...
How to paint necrons that look unique! Made easy.

That's all for me today... unless I manage to get pictures up. Ha. Wouldn't that be something.

Morbie out.